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Safety, Security & Resiliency

Information about facility security and the resources available to support emotional resiliency across AISD schools and facilities.

What and Why?

Information about the safety of the physical school environment and the supportive resources available across grade levels to support emotional resiliency and psychological safety for students.

Key Findings

Physical Environment

  • 32% of schools have a Safety ESA score of unsatisfactory or worse
  • 17 of the 25 schools analyzed have lack of / minimal transparency

Student Emotional Resiliency Resources

  • 55% of all ES/MS/HS have access to at least one parent support specialist
  • All middle schools offer social emotional learning
  • 6 of 19 middle schools have a family resource center
  • 20% of elementary schools have school mental health centers

SSR Programs & Facilities

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SSR: Student & Family Support Programs

Student and family support resources available to support physical and emotional resiliency.

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Dataset Information - SSR

Read more about the datasets referenced on this dashboard page.

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