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Food Services

Food services offered and the ability of facilities to support these services across AISD.

What and Why?

Information about food services offered and the food service aspects of facilities. It's important to understand what food services are provided, where they are provided, and how well facilities support the provision of these services because hungry kids can't learn.

Key Findings

  • 41% of schools that were scored have a Food Services ESA score of Unsatisfactory, however no schools scored Very Unsatisfactory
  • 52% of elementary/middle schools offer after school meals
  • 51% of elementary/middle schools offer breakfast in the classroom
  • 38% of elementary/middle schools offer the snack program
  • Only 18 of 97 schools (19%) offer all three programs

Food Services Overview

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Food Services Map

Locations where snack program, breakfast in the classroom, and after school meals are offered.

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Dataset Information - TFSM

Read more about the datasets referenced on this dashboard page.

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