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Bond Spending

Spending by line item for the 2004, 2008, 2013, and 2017 bonds.

Data was aggregated by campus across the past four bonds (2004, 2008, 2013, and 2017), and assigned categories according to the expense descriptions. Some campuses have changed names across the bonds; when this is the case, the most current name was used.

Bond Project Finder

Look at individual line items across the last four bonds.

Tip: Hover over a graph or table and click this square icon to expand it to full-screen.
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Bond Spending Graphs

Spending by category, committee, and bond year.

Tip: Hover over a graph or table and click this square icon to expand it to full-screen.
Don't see the chart?: If the area below is blank, please reload the page.

Bond Spending by Campus/Facility

Tip: Hover over a graph or table and click this square icon to expand it to full-screen.
Don't see the chart?: If the area below is blank, please reload the page.